Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hogan Here!


My name is Hogan.  I like the name because it fits my moods.  Hogan goes with about anything I do. 
Most of the time, I only have two moods:  go and stop.  I play "hard ball" on "go" where I keep it tough but cute.  Looking cute spares criticism.  On "stop", I give lots of deserved love to my folks and sleep near warm feet and big hearts.

I was born on February 1, 2014 in Missouri.  Someone shipped me to Texas for sale in a pretty fancy

pet store.  I figured that it was fancy because practically every puppy was either a miniature or a toy.
When I see anything miniature or toy, I think of delicate.  I wasn't miniature toy or delicate. But, I had the best smile in the place; largely because my mouth had gotten caught in the bars of my transport and the muscles were is spasm.  Well, no one believes the muscle spasm bit but I am holding to it.  I don't ever want to be forced into another cage.  I won't kennel up even for boiled chicken.  I am a Golden Retriever who loves people, loves water, and loves freedom.

My parents came to the fancy pet store to get "a dog".  They didn't even know what a Golden Retriever was so I had a lot of selling to do.  My mom picked me up and looked into my big brown eyes.  Her eyes are brown, too; not as big as mine but brown anyway.  Mom and I already had something in common.  I licked her face and cuddled into her arms.  And, I kept smiling.  My dad came over with a checkbook so I smiled at him too.  He had blue eyes.  To me, blue meant wet ink and I would soon be out of the fancy pet store.

I rode home on the car floor between my Mom's feet.  I insisted on the floor because I could hear the car motor running best on the floor.  The farther away from the pet store, the better I was.  Not that the pet store was a bad place.  It was the nicest pet store in Dallas but I wanted a real home.