Sunday, July 10, 2016


Hogan here!

I am here!  And, Donald is there.  We look alike.  Take a look at my profile.  Now put it alongside Donald Trump’s profile.  Either I am Donald or Donald is a Golden Retriever.  Since I don’t have a bank account, I can’t be Donald.  My bet is that Donald is a Golden Retriever with money bags! 

Donald is running for President and, if he runs fast enough, as a Golden can run, he will be the first Golden Retriever in the White House. 

Of course, the first thing Donald would do as president is to conduct doggie boot camp for the plebes in his tenure. This boot camp would be just like my boot camp for Heidi and is typical of dog behavior.

I think that plebes would be just about anyone engaging with Donald,  As with any dog conducting boot camp, Donald would have to position himself as the dominant dog.  The government, under Donald, would learn to dig holes, lift their legs in the appropriate place, bark at the adversary and play dead when prudent.  I think this is pretty much what is happening in government now so Donald’s boot camp wouldn’t produce anything new.        

Unlawful approach over the White House lawn, would be quite different as well as exciting.  Donald would actually charge and bite the offender just as any good Golden would do.   Can you imagine being bitten by the President of the United States of America! How impressive! 

Governmental change would be impressive as well.  Rather than Planned Parenthood, Donald would establish Unplanned Parenthood.  No retriever plans parenthood!

Since China eats dogs and India defiles the dignity of dogs, there will be no interest for these countries in the retriever government. Jobs will be brought back to America.  And, with each job, a Golden Retriever will take the position of companion dog.  Middle class jobs and dog jobs will skyrocket.

As for our country’s borders, Donald wants to build a wall.  It is his idea.  On this issue, I don’t think that he is a pure bred Golden.  He probably is the result of Unplanned Parenthood. A pure bred Golden would welcome anyone coming or going with a smile.  But all Golden’s will rally for Donald because, after all, he Is a Golden.  What a credential!  Love you Donald!

A Donald Moment

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