Saturday, July 30, 2016

Godzilla With An Eating Disorder

Hogan Here!

This is my sister, Heidi.  You probably have met her before. She is cute but she is a dog with a large diagnosis.  She has a severe eating disorder with hyperactivity.  If not, my hunch is close to right.


Heidi has binged on the patio furniture, the pool lighting, unknown electrical wires, rocks, dog poop, dog collars, planters, a really big frog, bushes, flowers, and an assortment of bugs. 

I think that adding to Heidi’s diagnosis is that she never completes a binge.  She leaves one project only to jump into another.  Nothing is finished but possibly her welcome in our household.

Yesterday, she really did it!  She ate my Mom’s tooth guard and ear plugs.  Mom went into a state of war. 

Next thing I knew, Mom drove off like she was eight days late only to return with three muzzles of three sizes; large, extra-large and extra-extra-large.  Mom must think that Heidi is a Godzilla.  Can’t disagree!   

Immediately, Mom started to fit the muzzles. When Mom attached the extra-extra-large muzzle to Heidi’s head, Heidi was looking up at Mom through mesh and cloth and her eyes were huge with confusion. The scene was like Goldilocks and the Three Bears!  The only muzzle that worked was the third effort which was the large muzzle.  And, when it did, Mom pushed Heidi out in to the back yard in linebacker style.  I thought that the  eating disorder was straight jacketed.  Not so. Heidi ate the muzzle!  Opps!


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