Saturday, August 6, 2016


Take the Oil!

Hogan Here!

As I’ve already determined, Donald Trump looks just like a Golden Retriever.  I accept him as Golden.  We are far from litter mates but you can't deny the resemblance
I know just what Donald would like to do with the oil in Irag.  He’d take it.  Why not.  He is a retriever.  As a good retriever, he’d bring everything back to the U.S. 
I am a good retiever, too.  One night, I found dog treats on the floor of the kitchen pantry.  The pantry always looks like a war zone.  Appropriately that night, I designated it as Little Iraq.  Then, I asked myself, what would Donald do with the treats?  He’d take them.  So, I took all thirty-two of the treats!  Then, I ate them. Something tells me that Donald would have not eaten the spoils. But, no Golden is perfect-not even Donald!


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