Thursday, August 4, 2016

Old Dog
Hogan Here!

Nobody should ever call a dog an “old dog”!  Never!
Yep,  I was just called an “old dog”!  I am still a teenager!  What is old about me?  Take a look at me. 


I look like I’ve been in a ground war.  Right?   Well, I have been rolling on the wet grass.  But, it's not fair to call me a old dog just because I like rolling in wet grass.  That's a put down! 
But, now, I am worried.  I don’t want anyone to call me old!  I haven't even hit teenage rebellion.   

Well, just for that, I am going grass rolling.  A little exercise will make me feel better.  And, maybe, if I roll enough, I will become green, “grassy green”.  What can be said about me then? I guess that I could be called a green, old dog. No such thing exists!  I’m going out and work on green!   


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