Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Power of Positive Thinking

Hogan Here!

Don’t feel sorry for me.  Stress happens to everyone.  Yes, I am lying flat on the floor and planning a panic attack.  You would, too, if you were chased by a leaf blower for the last few hours. 

Well, the fact is that I wasn’t really chased.  Every once in a while, I have to exaggerate.  Actually I was inside the house barking at windows and running over furniture while chasing the leaf blower.  Yep, the leaf blower was outside and I was inside.  There is no real difference in location as far as the leaf blower is concerned.   It calls for aggressive action.

But, now, the living room alone has two displaced chairs and multiple decorator pillows strewn across the floor.  I was running too fast to navigate!  And, that is just the living room! 

So, I am on the floor planning a panic attack. I just know that I am in trouble.    

Wait a minute!  What could happen to me that is worse than a leaf blower roaring in my ears?  Nothing. 

I was left in the house to guard.  And, I did my job.  Not one leaf blower made it into the house!  No, not a one!

It’s good!  The house is a mess but its all good.  You might even say that I made a good mess!  You could even say that I made a great mess!  Well, we won't push it.  Just call me a Special Unit Golden Retriever.


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