Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Golden Retriever, Yes!

Hogan Here!

I have said it before and I have to say it now.  I look just like Donald but without the tie.  I am a Golden.  So. obviously, Donald is a Golden.  We are kin!

Kin have to watch each other's backs.  I'm kin so I've got to prepare my watch. After all, Donald is our next president! Sometimes what you must do in life isn't what you always have planned.  But who would have planned on Donald being a Golden?  

A Donald Moment

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

In The Moment 

Hogan Here!

It is hard to be in this political race with so much attention directed toward my look-alike, Donald Trump.  While, I really don’t know Donald, I have rightfully given him the title of Honorary Golden.  You have to hand it to him!  He looks just like me.  So,”Honorary”, he is.  This honorary status also awards Donald the unique character traits that only belong to Goldens.
If elected, Donald will be a peerless President.  Up until now, the Presidency has been dictated by ritualistic structure. But, Goldens don’t work well in structure.  Goldens are dictated by the moment.  One moment leads into another and before you know it, an old bone is found, a new friend is made, or the rock once chewn turns into two.  Life gets better.  With Donald in the Presidency, life will get better. But, no one else but Donald, myself and all the Goldens in the world will understand.  We will be living in the moment while everyone else will be putting needle and thread to patterns that only, when finished, get hung on walls and many times never get finished at all.