Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Art of the Deal!

Hogan Here!

Let me tell you about my art of the deal.  My art of the deal is all about strategy in trade.  Trading is what I do everyday.  What do I trade?  I trade everything that I find that is at mug level.  I stuff shoes, towels, socks, pens and "whatevers" in my mouth with extreme skill.  No one ever sees me in the act.  It's the walking in circles around folks that gives the clue that something valuable is at risk.


Then, the chase is on.  Without fail, I make my way to the kitchen pantry where dog treats permeate the air.  You might think that the chase ends with a treat.  Well, that's too easy.  The treat has to be a GREAT treat!  The treat can also be a HUGE treat.  If the treat isn't GREAT or HUGE, then it is all about renegotiating.  And, renegotiating isn't a two way nose sniffing tactic.  No, it's about looking cute until you get what you want.  That's my art of the deal!  Donald can never do as well.  He just doesn't look cute.


Sunday, January 1, 2017


Hogan Here!

It is the beginning of the new year with not much for a dog to do.  The house is full of football, black eyed peas, and a few strewn Christmas gifts.  Boring!  So last night, I found my own entertainment.  I retrieved a remote control from under the couch.  Who would have guessed that it was an important part of something Dad thought was pretty valuable.  If I’d known it was important, I wouldn’t have chewed it in two. And, one look at Dad told me that my destiny was the same as that of the remoteI 
I ran to my Mom for protection.  She wouldn’t let Dad near me and I didn’t blame her.  Dad has never had a rabies shot but I think that subject needs to be revisited.  Dad looked like a constipated Pitt Bull.  Yep, Dad had gone psycho! 
Now, it is a day later and the scene is quiet except for football.  Dad loves me even though he's not talking to me.  I am not talking to him either.  Best just to assume love from each other.
Not talking to Dad doesn't mean that I won't talk to you. I want to tell you something.  I have made an important resolution.  If I ever retrieve something of someone's, that someone is going to be my mother!