Friday, May 5, 2017

Obedience With A Presidential Twist!

Hogan Here!

As I've said, Trump is a Golden just like me.  Just look at his head shot.

An issue in this new presidency is my birth duty.   As a Golden I must coach Donald in the way Golden's coach each other.  This obligation is true of other Golden's as well.  Since Golden's are a tighter group than the Masonic Lodge, there is no getting out of this one.

According to consensus, my first coaching duty is Golden obedience training.  Golden obedience training is extremely useful in public appearances and it is unique unto itself

Here is a thumbnail sketch of the lowest level of training; basic obedience.   I've also added  my concerns.

Donald has to learn "the walk".  The head must be pointed forward, the stride must be even, and the tail must be held high.  This may be awkward for Donald, at first.  He is not accustomed to tail work.

Barking is not a preferred event in the obedience world.  Nor is biting.  Donald will have to swallow both his bite and his bark in public appearances.  But, he is allowed to shake hands on command.  One thought here! Donald has to be careful not to shake hands too often or it will look like pawing and pawing in public is not acceptable.

The sit-and-stay command is handy for it allows momentary rest in a hectic public moment.  However, this command may need revision or possibly be scrapped for, you see, if Donald did "sit and stay" so would the Secret Service.  How would the Press react with everyone hitting the ground?  They would report it and be accused of sensationalizing.  Yep,  better scrap this move.

Then, there is the "leave it" command.  Whenever Donald speaks his mind, the command of "leave it" would be just that"  Leave it (alone).  Donald would have a lot less to twitter about if there were less encounters on his public walk.  I have a gut feeling that this will be a tough command to teach.

And, you can bet that I am not teaching the " lie down" command.  Donald would never go for that!

I know that I am going to grow close to Donald, as Golden's do with companions.  The only worry that I have is the possible shortening of my life span.  Stress, you know.


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