Sunday, January 1, 2017


Hogan Here!

It is the beginning of the new year with not much for a dog to do.  The house is full of football, black eyed peas, and a few strewn Christmas gifts.  Boring!  So last night, I found my own entertainment.  I retrieved a remote control from under the couch.  Who would have guessed that it was an important part of something Dad thought was pretty valuable.  If I’d known it was important, I wouldn’t have chewed it in two. And, one look at Dad told me that my destiny was the same as that of the remoteI 
I ran to my Mom for protection.  She wouldn’t let Dad near me and I didn’t blame her.  Dad has never had a rabies shot but I think that subject needs to be revisited.  Dad looked like a constipated Pitt Bull.  Yep, Dad had gone psycho! 
Now, it is a day later and the scene is quiet except for football.  Dad loves me even though he's not talking to me.  I am not talking to him either.  Best just to assume love from each other.
Not talking to Dad doesn't mean that I won't talk to you. I want to tell you something.  I have made an important resolution.  If I ever retrieve something of someone's, that someone is going to be my mother! 

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