Thursday, March 30, 2017

Simple Solutions!

Hogan Here!

I have to use all four paws, my tail, and one ear to count the headline topics in Washington. There is healthcare reform, personal and corporate income tax reform, regulatory reforms, trade agreements, infrastructure and Supreme Court confirmations.  And Donald has all of this on his plate!  
Not even a Golden Retriever like Donald can handle all of these issues within the same year.  Added to all of this is the task of draining the swamp.  Didn't know Washington, D.C. had a swamp.  So, as if there weren't enough issues, Donald now has to wrestle with alligators.  

Definitely, Donald only needs to handle one headline topic this year. It is infrastructure. Repairing and rebuilding in every state would win lots of points in popularity.  And, we all know that poor Donald needs points.  At the moment, he is viewed as a dirty dog wearing a Russian hat and racing with the wealthiest wolves of Wall Street.  Not good for a Golden!

As for the other headline topics, bring in the computer geeks!!!!!  Charge them to make computer games of the issues of healthcare reform, tax reform regulatory reforms and trade agreements. Then, hand the games to kids from ages five to fifteen to solve the problems by gaming!  Everything will be resolved in days.  Our kids are smart and they can run circles around Washington.  

I didn't mention the Supreme Court.  That is because I am proposing eight Justices and one dog.  For me, it's personal.
Everything is so easy when handed to a Golden.  



Friday, March 10, 2017



Every dog needs a job but, frankly, I am over-employed.  Like all Golden Retrievers, I volunteer for about everything and try most of anything else.
Unfortunately,  I learned to tell time when I was a pup.  It is all about the amount of daylight coming in through the windows.  As I result, I have the morning obligation of getting my Dad up at 6:00 a.m. and not a minute earlier.  First, I start with straddling Dad's last night socks and worn slippers directly over his head and, strategically, one foot above his nose.  

Once Dad frantically grabs the slippers and socks from my mouth, I finish the job by lying on Dad's chest and waterboarding him with no less than 100 licks to the head.  This is hardwork because Dad's morning breath is worse than mine. But, you do what you have to do.  And, the day begins.

During the day, I protect the yard, greet all opening doors, entertain my dog sister, Heidi, supervise the house cleaning, give reminders that it is time for distribution of dog food, carry laundry around the house after it has been folded, counter surf for table snacks, drink from dripping faucets, bark at distant dogs, roll on the floor when I want my ears medicated, and guard the house when Mom is gone.  Yeah, I have a lot of responsibility.


When it is time for dinner, my world becomes even more difficult.  Meal preparation at my home occasionally calls for oven fires.   I can sense when one is about to occur but I can't stop the burst of flames in the oven causing the smoke and fire alarms to scream.  It's times like this I wonder why I am a house dog.  These are scary moments and definitely calls for overtime pay.

After dinner, my day winds down where my only concerns are warming floors and avoid breathing in any dust bunnies.  It is here that I think of the next day.

As I said, I am over-employed!   But, it is all in a dogs day.

And, I have been thinking.  With all the work that a dog has got to do, no dog should be called a "pet".  Nope.  Every dog should be called "an essential". Yep, you are looking at an "essential".