Monday, August 29, 2016


Hogan Here!

Dogs are dogs.  Don't believe it!  Dog's can't be lumped into one pile of fur. 

All you need to do is be around my sister dog, Heidi, for awhile, and she'll prove that the generalization of dogs into one lump sum is a total fallacy.  Heidi is unique unto herself.

Just look at Heidi.  You'd think that Heidi's mother was a wombat and not a shepherd. It comes to mind that Heidi's situation is like Obama's when people questioned his citizenship.  All the papers are intact but people just won't buy "it".  

Heidi is proud of her differences as she takes them to a higher level.  Heidi considers herself a designer dog.


I'll buy the fact that she is a designer dog but I can't buy into Heidi's selected lifestyle.

Heidi runs tail from any behavioral adjustment.  This is her game.  So, no demands are placed on Heidi. But, remember, it is only a game.

When people aren't looking, Heidi is practicing how to open every type of door.  No one has caught on to why Heidi and I have been outside playing when no one has put us outside.  But, someone will soon.  Wouldn't you think?

Now, Heidi has developed a new interest.  She likes to climb to the upstairs and open all of the bedroom doors.  Then, she likes to go into an opened door, close the door, and forget how to get back out.  Then, she howls!  I think she likes the attention.  When someone releases her, she runs down the stairs like she has been gone for years and jumps the first person she finds with paws outstretched and licks to the face.  She is showered with attention, sympathy and sighs of relief only to do the same thing the next day.  Hate to admit it, but Heidi has become a designer dog with a drama queen personality.  

I don't know what Heidi is going to do next.  I don't want to think about it.  I am just glad that she is spayed!  There will only be one Heidi!  


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