Thursday, May 4, 2017


Hogan Here!

Today, I decided to be a cat.  Why not?  I have a couple of cat friends in the neighborhood. So, acting like a cat seemed to be a great idea. 

Catting started with the obvious chase and catch.  Supplies weren't a problem.  There is always a field rat in the backyard.  This is Texas.  No, I am not talking politics!  I am talking about a field rat.  

Anyway, I grabbed a rat from the backyard and ran it to the back door.  I wasn't satisfied with only this move.  I decided to scratch on the door.  Believe me, I looked "cat successful".  When the door finally opened, I made certain that the rat was visible.  Good idea?  No.  Bad idea!  

Well, while I don't know much about cats, I do know that when something is in a dog's mouth, it is never a good idea to scream at the poor dog. My gentle mouth of a retriever turned into a vise and made two rats out of one poor rat.  That wasn't my plan! 

Trying to recover from my mistake, I decided to sit down by the carnage to show the pride of a catch.  A cat gets away with this move.  Not true for me. 

But, the back door did open. Yep, a hand reached out from the inside and dragged my "ratless" self into the house.  Nobody wanted to touch me as my cold nose was pushed away.  And, I was forced to eat a bunch of tasteless scraps to, supposedly, clean out my mouth.  Nope, it just wasn't a friendly moment.  

I still have no idea what it is like to be a cat.  But, I don't want to find out.  If "catting" is this hard for the canine, it must be h-e-l------for the feline!  I guess life is worse for a rat.  I feel really sorry for that rat.


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